Eclectic Gamers Podcast
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A show that values facts
I think what I appreciate the most about EGP is the higher level of fact checking and due diligence. If mistakes are made they are corrected the following episode.
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About Eclectic Gamers Podcast
Dennis Kriesel & Tony Kurkowski
Pinball and video games. We’re a mixed gaming podcast, but pinball and video games are our bread and butter, and our two permanent segments. Pinball generally receives the most attention of the two. We also, on occasion, cover other types of gaming (namely tabletop games such as RPGs and card games). We aren’t known as eclectic for nothing!
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Great Podcast
Wish they would change there name to Collectors Gamer’s Podcast. Took me a long time to find it . Nice mix of pinball & Video Games . Would like to see reviews of PS5 and X-Box reviews
Very fun
I really like the way Tony and Dennis present the show. If they critique something it always seems like it's constructive, and I appreciate the honesty.
A show that values facts
I think what I appreciate the most about EGP is the higher level of fact checking and due diligence. If mistakes are made they are corrected the following episode.
Principles matter...
Dennis and Tony are different. Not just in their content covered but in their principles. They avoid conflict of interest, they reject mainstream opinions and they back up those stances with straightforward ideals that enthusiasts would benefit from. They admit mistakes, and their humble approach to their relevance makes them that much more endearing. None of this matters if hosts lack the knowledge of the covered hobby or a desire to investigate the subjects they cover. Thankfully, this may be their strongest asset. Listen, learn and be entertained. It's a great show and one that deserves a following.
they tell it how it is.
this podcast is typically 70% pinball and 30% video games with the occasional table top game talk. Both hosts are invested in sharing the facts and will not spread rumors. When they convey information I believe them, because they always provide the sources. They are often the only place to get the hard facts. Dennis is hands down one of the best journalists in the hobby.
I came for the pinball I stayed for the honest reporting and humor
Well researched and when they don't know something, Tony and Dennis don't pretend to know. Expected to skip past the video and board game stuff but never do and it's always interesting. Real people that aren't trying to get rich or sell you something. Love the 20 questions segment.
I like them.
I listen to every episode, and I suggest you do the same.
Great show!
Tony & Dennis offer an insightful look at gaming, in general. I admit, I typically only listen to the pinball section of the show as I am not a huge modern video gamer, but I will say that I probably agree with them on their pinball “takes” more than any other show. I love statistical breakdowns and hard analysis (and the occasional polynomial), which Dennis never fails to bring. Great show. Thanks guys!
Insightful Unbiased Content
Insightful unbiased content with no drama and always respectful of other people opinions.
Content sharing is the main driver not podcaster's ego or profile puffing and is not just a regurgitation of others content which is not dumbed down or sensationalized.
Denis & Tony are the New York Times or BBC of pinball podcasts.
Sweet and sour makes for a tasty podcast!
I'm only really interested in the pinball side of this podcast, so I usually tune out after the first half. But Tony and Dennis are very knowledgeable hosts who bring considerable insights to the current state of the gaming hobby. Both have a very unique personality; Dennis has a dry wit and can be a bit acerbic and Tony is a little more diplomatic and magnanimous. Makes for a very interesting and informative show.
Enjoy the Highbrow Commentary
I really enjoy EGP's conversation which a little more thoughtful than most podcasts. A good mix of Pinball and Gaming makes it different. Also, I'm pretty sure Tony is a murderer...
fresh take on the pinball world
great pinball talk and gives me a little exposure to the other side of the gaming world.
Good chemistry and timely discussions
I try to catch every episode of this one. While I don’t follow all of the gaming side, I know enough to find it interesting or just skip a little here and there.
Love this Podcast
After hearing Dennis Kriesel on TWIP podcast, I started to listen to Eclectic Gamers and was immediately drawn to their conversations. I find Dennis and Tony Kurkowski to be cerebral in their approach to the discussion of pinball, videos, and board games as their discussions/opinions are intelligent, thoughtful, objective, and fact based. They are not looking to entertain you with shocking pronouncements or with irrelevant humor. As a team, Dennis and Tony are a much better than when Dennis teams with Zach Meny on The Pinball Show (probably where most pinball podcast listeners have heard Dennis). In part, it is because Dennis takes the lead in guiding the conversations on Eclectic Gamers instead of following along and playing the role of commentator/straight man (though he is actually the funniest one on the show) as he does on TPS. Since Special When Lit stopped its run, Eclectic Gamers has become my favorite place to go for pinball discussions, which comes at the beginning of their show so you can jump off if you are not interested in video games. Well done gentlemen!