Ice Fever, a pinball machine produced by Premier (Gottlieb) in February 1985, brings the excitement of hockey to the arcade. This solid-state electronic game features two flippers, four pop bumpers, two slingshots, five standup targets, a captive ball, a spinning target, and a unique 3-bank drop target setup. The highlight is its mechanical backbox animation, where a puck slides into the net.
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Quickie Version:
Lit spinner all day.
Go-to Flipper:
Risk Index:
Shots to Master:
Full Rules:
The lit return lane (alternates) lights the spinner for 10K per spin instead of 1K. Shooting it dominates all other strategies on the game. Base bonus goes up to 29K, scored by any lane. Bonus multiplier goes up to 5X for 145K maximum total. Three goals (a hat trick) increases the bonus multiplier one level. Shoot the drop targets in front of the captive ball to expose it, hit the captive ball to score a goal. Completing the top three I-C-E lanes lights one of them for an extra ball which scores 100K; the lit EB lane cycles with switch hits. Basic strategy is to do whatever it takes to light the spinner, then do whatever it takes to set up shots to it on the left flipper. Shatzing either way is a good way to do these.
via Bob's Guide