Bob's Burgers
Bob's Burgers is an American animated sitcom created by Loren Bouchard that premiered on Fox on January 9, 2011. The show centers on the Belcher family, consisting of parents Bob and Linda and their three children—Tina, Gene, and Louise—who run a hamburger restaurant.
- Status:Wanted
- Last Produced by:
- Year:
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- Rank Change:31
- Peak Rank:
Hype Metrics
Franchise Age
Nostalgia Factor
Search Volume
Bob's Burgers Pinball Theme
Since its premiere in 2011, Bob's Burgers has gained a dedicated following for its charming and offbeat humor. Created by Loren Bouchard, the show focuses on the Belcher family—Bob, Linda, and their three children, Tina, Gene, and Louise—as they navigate the challenges of running a small burger joint while dealing with their unique personalities. The show's blend of deadpan comedy, musical numbers, and heartwarming moments has earned it critical acclaim and a loyal fanbase, making it one of the standout animated sitcoms of its time.