Monster Squad
Monster Squad is a 1987 horror-comedy film directed by Fred Dekker. The film follows a group of kids who form a club dedicated to monster movies, but when real monsters, including Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, and the Wolfman, threaten their town, the kids must use their knowledge of the monsters to defeat them. The film combines comedy, horror and nostalgia, it's considered a cult classic and it has a dedicated fanbase.
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Monster Squad Pinball Theme
Monster Squad is a 1987 comedy horror film directed by Fred Dekker. The film follows a group of pre-teens who are self-proclaimed monster experts, and must band together to stop Count Dracula and his monster friends from taking over their small town. The film features an ensemble cast of child actors and features classic monsters such as the Wolfman, Frankenstein's Monster, and the Mummy. Despite mixed reviews upon its initial release, the film has since become a cult classic and has developed a strong fanbase. It is known for its blend of horror and comedy elements and its nostalgic tribute to the classic monster films of the 1930s and 1940s.