Barry O's Barbecue Challenge

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Barry O's Barbecue Challenge Game Info

Barry O's Barbecue Challenge by American Pinball is a tribute to the legendary pinball designer Barry Oursler, who passed away in 2022. The game celebrates his love for barbecue festivals and outdoor fun. 

Barry O's Barbeque Challenge is a pinball machine manufactured by American Pinball in 2024. Design by Barry Oursler, Steven Bowden, Ryan McQuaid. Mechanics by Zofia Bil Ryan, Mitesh Pithva. Art by Jack Haeger, Dan Hughes. Code by Joe Schober, Casey Butler. Sound by David Thiel. Music by Matt Kern. Animation by Jessica Durbala, Bobby Liereza.
Primary manufacturer:
American Pinball
Preferred Dealer:
Flip N Out Pinball
OPDB Group ID:
Remake manufacturer:
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Game type:
Solid State
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Barry O's Barbecue Challenge Photos

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Flyers & Promo Media

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Barry O's Barbecue Challenge Design Team

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Barry O's Barbecue Challenge Rules

Boss Lanes

Boost your Playfield X, earn Bonus Multipliers, and big points.

Fix Grill Targets

Use these to repair your equipment if it breaks down.

Grill Bumpers

They get hotter as you use them to cook BBQ recipes.

Scoring Posts

Find the perfect flavor for your BBQ recipe.

Recipe Value Ramp

Increase shot values as you cook recipes for higher scores.

Bash Locks

Lower saucers start Hot Rod Challenges. Locked balls also become bash targets.

B-B-Q P-I-T Targets

Master these targets to collect valuable awards.

Fire Lanes

Complete to start a hurry-up. Put out that FIRE for bonus points.

Chef Lanes

Improve your recipe and bumper values.

Barry's Lock

Start Hot Rod Challenges and Pitmaster Multiball.

Sauce Spinners

"Spinner Sauce" will help you earn higher ratings.

Drop Targets

Sweepable targets increase scoring.

Playfield X Ramp

Temporarily increase all scoring

The Stars of BBQ

Defeat them to become the next Pitmaster.

Change Award

Spin up another BBQ PIT award or an Extra Ball.

Outlane Save

Start the FIRE hurry-up with either outlane to save your ball.

Bonus-X Grid

Keep pushing your multipliers higher.

Challenge Grid

Take on several Hot Rod Challenges at the Festival.

How to Play Barry O's Barbecue Challenge

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Barry O's Barbecue Challenge Gameplay Video

Gameplay Discussion & History

Mods and Toppers

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