The Cosmos pinball machine, released by Bally Manufacturing Co. in January 1969, was designed by Ted Zale with artwork by Jerry Kelley. This electro-mechanical game accommodates up to four players and is known for its "zipper flippers," a feature where the flippers close together, allowing for better ball control. Additionally, the game includes a unique backbox animation depicting the moon orbiting the Earth.
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Quickie Version:
Shoot the red and blue mushroom bumpers to zip the flippers and light Blast Off, then shoot Blast Off all day. Avoid the yellow bumpers.
Go-to Flipper:
Risk Index:
Very High
Full Rules:
Skill Shot is the center lane. Shoot first for the red mushroom bumper to zip the flippers together. Next, shoot at the three blue mushroom bumpers to light the Blast Off shot (upper left), then shoot that. Blast Off is okay any time, it’s just worth more once you’ve completed the blue bumpers. You get 100 for each hit on each blue bumper, up to 300 for each of the three bumpers, plus 10 for each base, so you can score 990 from a maximal Blast Off shot. You get bonus points the more Blast Off shots you make, regardless of how much you score for each of them. If the ball hits either of the yellow bumpers to unzip the flippers, shoot the red bumper again to rezip them. Another ball saving feature is the two small white rollover buttons near each flipper, either of which opens the gate on the lower right.
via Bob's Guide