The "Delta Queen" pinball machine, produced by Bally in 1974, is an electro-mechanical game that showcases a riverboat gambling theme. Designed by Jim Patla with artwork by Christian Marche, it features two flippers, ten drop targets, and no ramps, providing a straightforward yet challenging gameplay experience.
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Quickie Version:
Up top right until bonus at maximum, then hit A and B targets, then upper left saucer all day.
Go-to Flipper:
bias Left until bonus at maximum, then Right
Risk Index:
Make the center lane to light both bumpers, as on Sky Kings or Champ. Making either side lights just the one on the opposite side. A plunged ball can also dribble down the right arc, where it may or may not hit one or more of the rollover buttons.
Full Rules:
This game is much like Bow and Arrow the following year, which used the same left saucer bonus concept but had more going for it on the rest of the playfield. Bonus is earned by the two return lanes, three white rollover buttons in the arc shot at the top right, and two side standup targets. Bonus is doubled by getting the A and B standup targets on either side of the center saucer. Bonus is collected at the upper left saucer and does not reset. The center saucer scores 5K when lit, but shots to it can go straight through, plus missed shots can have dangerous rebounds; don’t bother to shoot at it. Strategy here is first build bonus via the top right arc buttons, double it by hitting A and B, then collect it at the upper left saucer.
via Bob's Guide