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KISS Game Info

The KISS pinball machine by Stern, released in 2015, offers an immersive experience that captures the excitement of a live KISS concert. The game features a vibrant playfield adorned with ramps, targets, and LED lighting, all themed around the iconic rock band. Unique gameplay elements include the "Demon" head for multiball modes and the "KISS Army" drop targets which trigger various bonuses. The machine incorporates 10 classic KISS songs, custom speech from band members, and high-fidelity audio to enhance the rock-and-roll atmosphere.

Primary manufacturer:
Stern Pinball Inc.
OPDB Group ID:
Remake manufacturer:
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Game type:
Solid State
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KISS Design Team

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KISS Rules

How to Play KISS

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  • Choose a mode at the start of your ball - modes are untimed shot sequences which run until complete. New modes are started at the scoop.
    • Most modes are comparable in difficulty - Deuce is usually the first mode players choose (shots move from left to right), followed by Lick It Up or Shout It Out Loud. The only unusual modes are Black Diamond (one shot lit, bumpers move lit shot) and Detroit Rock City (all shots lit, leftmost shot worth double).
  • Completing any mode doubles all scoring for the remainder of the ball. Completing a second mode in the same ball triples all scoring, another mode quintuples it, and a fourth gives 10X playfield.
    • Beating modes is the most important part of high scores on Kiss. Reaching 5X or 10X playfield in a game assures victory against anyone who is unable to do the same. A great ball will almost always beat a good game.
    • If you have no mode running, starting a new one at the scoop should always be your top priority. Similarly, if you’re close to finishing your current mode, consider finishing it and starting a new one before starting a multiball. More modes completed will mean more points for you!
  • All shots made as combos are worth double. Given how easy the center ramp is, any left-flipper shot you want should be preceded with a center ramp for maximum value.
  • There are two major multiballs:
    • Love Gun is lit by shooting STAR over and over, started at the left ramp. During Love Gun, all shots are lit for jackpots, except each jackpot must be collected twice in a row.
    • Demon Multiball is lit by locking three balls in Gene Simmons, lock is lit by hitting the targets surrounding the shot’s entrance. All shots are lit for two jackpots a piece; collect enough jackpots for supers. You can lock balls in the Demon during this multiball for a brief 2X or 3X playfield multiplier (additive with the mode completion multiplier).
    • Love Gun is easier to start and has much higher potential, but is substantially harder to play out and pretty worthless if you don’t get far. Demon is trickier to start, but will be better than Love Gun on average.
  • Completing the grid in the center of the table lights Heaven’s On Fire, a mini-wizard mode worth a substantial number of points. Complete the grid by completing the two target banks (KISS and ARMY), advancing all four bumpers (shoot right orbit), and collecting all four instruments (lit at various shots by shooting right ramp).
    • In practice, the instruments are the only element which requires intent; everything else tends to just complete itself. Figuring out where the right ramp is will give you access to this very lucrative feature!
  • Completing KISS or ARMY also starts a hurry-up at the left orbit and center ramp, respectively. The hurry-ups aren’t too valuable, but collecting both will light a permanent shot multiplier at whichever shot you hit next.
  • Completing KISS and ARMY will light “Backstage Pass,” a mystery award at the scoop. This is an add-a-ball during multiball, but during single-ball play can award lucrative Super Scoring features.

KISS Videos

Mods and Toppers

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