Paddock / Post Time Photos

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Paddock / Post Time

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Paddock / Post Time Game Info

Paddock and its add-a-ball counterpart Post Time, both released by Williams Electronic Games in 1969, are electro-mechanical pinball machines with a horse racing theme. Designed by Norm Clark with artwork by Christian Marche, these games feature a racetrack motif formed by ten rollover buttons on the playfield.

Primary manufacturer:
Williams Electronic Games Inc.
OPDB Group ID:
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Paddock / Post Time Design Team

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Paddock / Post Time Rules

Post Time

Quickie Version:

Hit A-B-C-D to light center target for 3000, then shoot it.

Go-to Flipper:


Risk Index:

Very High

Full Rules:

This is the add-a-ball version of Paddock, which is key if add-a-balls are on. I’ll repeat the scoring basics below and address EBs now. As you advance your horse in the race by hitting targets and rollovers, whenever the horse has advanced to position 7, labeled as “Finish” on the playfield, the return lanes will light for add-a-balls. Get the ball to roll through the lane, or shatz it up the lane from below to earn a ball. A second way to earn a ball is to drain out the outlane when it’s lit for a ball. You can earn up to 5 add-a-balls. When you drain, add-a-balls are launched Automatically (!) from the drain trough. they come out heading up at about a 1 o’clock angle, i.e. to the right of the center target. Be ready to try to get control of the launched ball. Finishing enough races is what lights the outlanes for an add-a-ball. Advance your race progress by hitting the C-D standups at the middle sides for 3 spaces top center plunge lane for 3 advances, top A and B lanes for one advance, center bumper for one advance, lit racetrack rollover button for one advance. Tip: if you have the race horse at marker #4, shooting the C or D side standup target will advance you 3 spaces to #7 Finish and light your add-a-ball lanes. The best points on the game, until you finish A-B-C-D, are the A-B-C-D standup targets near the top of the machine. Just shoot the ball up the sides and try to get as many as letter targets as possible between your shot and nudges off the bumpers. The same shots that give you these 1000’s will set you up for the center target 3000 when completed. The bumpers light for 100 points instead of 10 once you have scored the matching letter via lane or target.

via Bob's Guide


Quickie Version:

Hit A-B-C-D to light center target for 3000, then shoot it.

Go-to Flipper:


Risk Index:

Very High

Full Rules:

The best points on the game, until you finish A-B-C-D, are the A-B-C-D standup targets near the top of the machine. Just shoot the ball up the sides and try to get as many as letter targets as possible between your shot and nudges off the bumpers. The same shots that give you these 1000’s will set you up for the center target 3000 when completed. The bumpers light for 100 points instead of 10 once you have scored the matching letter via lane or target.

via Bob's Guide

How to Play Paddock / Post Time

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Paddock / Post Time Videos

Mods and Toppers

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