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Pinbot Game Info

The "Pinbot" pinball machine, manufactured by Williams in 1986, is a classic designed by Barry Oursler and Python Anghelo. The game's objective is to advance through the planets to reach Jupiter, using the innovative playfield layout which includes ramps, a mini-bagatelle upper playfield, and a visor that opens to reveal lock targets for multiball play.

Primary manufacturer:
Williams Electronic Games Inc.
OPDB Group ID:
Remake manufacturer:
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Game type:
Solid State
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Pinbot Photos

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Flyers & Promo Media

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Pinbot Design Team

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Pinbot Rules

How to Play Pinbot

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  • Plunge the ball into the middle vortex exit for the most points off the skill shot. The vortex multiplier increases every time a new ball is plunged, but resets once the current ball is drained (though it is held across extra balls).
  • Hit the lit row or column in front of the visor to instantly lower it and light the locks at the visor. Otherwise, the full grid must be completed to lower the visor. Multiball starts after locking both balls there. During multiball, lock one ball in the visor and hit the ramp with the other ball before time runs out to score the solar value, built up by prior ramp shots.
  • Complete drop target banks or hit “advance planet” when lit to advance through the galaxy. Each planet scores 20k in end-of-ball bonus. Reaching Jupiter awards a special, and reaching the Sun lights the advance planet target for special.
  • Hit the lit drop target to light energy value below the ramp. The energy value increases with bumper hits and resets once scored.
  • Light the saucer by rolling through the right inlane. Scores 25k, then 50k, then 75k, then light extra ball.
  • Increase the bonus multiplier and solar value with ramp shots.

Pinbot Gameplay Video

Gameplay Discussion & History

Mods and Toppers

Twisted Tokens
Pinbot Light Mask