Tron is a groundbreaking 1982 sci-fi film directed by Steven Lisberger, featuring a computer programmer trapped in a digital world, known for its innovative use of CGI.
- Status:Rumored
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- Year:2011
- Other:Vault Candidate
- Rank Change:1
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Tron Pinball Theme
Released in 1982, Tron is a visionary science fiction film directed by Steven Lisberger that pushed the boundaries of visual effects and computer-generated imagery (CGI). The film follows Kevin Flynn, a computer programmer played by Jeff Bridges, who is digitized and transported into a virtual world where he must battle his way through a computerized landscape to escape. In this world, programs take on human form, and Flynn is forced to compete in deadly games to survive, ultimately facing off against the villainous Master Control Program.
Tron was revolutionary for its time, utilizing cutting-edge technology and CGI in ways that had never been seen before. Though it received mixed reviews upon release, it has since become a cult classic, praised for its ahead-of-its-time visual style and its exploration of the relationship between humans and technology. The film's legacy was further cemented with the release of its sequel, Tron: Legacy in 2010, and the continued influence of its aesthetic on modern sci-fi and video games.