X-Men ’97
"X-Men '97" is an upcoming animated series announced by Disney+ as a continuation of the beloved 1990s "X-Men" animated series.
- Status:Confirmed
- Last Produced by:
- Year:2024
- Other:
- Rank Change:1
- Peak Rank:
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Nostalgia Factor
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X-Men ’97 Pinball Theme
Confirmed to be the next Stern Pinball release as of 9.4.24. Originally rumored to be based on X-Men '97, this release instead follows the comic storyline of Days of Future Past.
"X-Men '97" is an animated series announced by Disney+ as a continuation of the beloved 1990s "X-Men" animated series. The original show, which aired from 1992 to 1997, was highly acclaimed for its faithful adaptation of the iconic Marvel Comics superhero team, the X-Men. It drew inspiration from various comic book storylines, particularly Chris Claremont's influential run on the X-Men comics in the 1980s and early 1990s. Claremont's work explored complex themes such as prejudice, identity, and societal acceptance, which became central to the animated series' narrative.
The material that "X-Men '97" is inspired by encompasses a rich tapestry of X-Men lore, including classic story arcs like "The Dark Phoenix Saga" and "Days of Future Past." These stories often delve into the moral dilemmas faced by mutants, individuals born with extraordinary abilities who are often feared and persecuted by society. Additionally, the animated series drew inspiration from character-driven plots and dynamic interpersonal relationships within the X-Men team, such as the complex dynamics between Professor Charles Xavier and his former friend turned nemesis, Magneto.