"Eight Ball Deluxe," produced by Bally in April 1981, is a highly regarded pinball machine that combines a billiards theme with engaging gameplay elements. Designed by George Christian and featuring artwork by Margaret Hudson, this game includes several innovative features for its time, such as speech synthesis and memory drop targets. Players aim to complete two sets of drop targets representing billiard balls (1-7 and 9-15) and spell "Deluxe" by hitting stand-up targets.
Eight Ball Deluxe is a pinball machine manufactured by Bally Manufacturing Co. in 1981. Design by George Christian. Art by Margaret Hudson. Code by Rehman Merchant.
Primary manufacturer:
Bally Manufacturing Co.
OPDB Group ID:
Other manufacturer:
Bell Games (Nuova 11)
Game type:
Solid State
Display type:
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- This is a bonus game: Advance your bonus as much as possible. Each pool ball you sink (i.e., knock down) is worth 7,000 points in bonus. Collecting all seven lights the 8-ball in the top right; knock it down to complete the rack.
- All bonus advances carry over for the entire game. Build up your bonus early.
- Your rack progress is saved from ball to ball - the bank won’t reset for you until you’ve cleared it and hit the 8-ball. This is bad since it means fewer bonus advances are available. Try to clear the bank, and ignore everything else if the 8-ball is ready.
- Completing A-B-C-D gives you two balls for free (except for the 8-ball) and is a safer way of clearing the bank, although the C-D lanes are usually tough to hit intentionally.
- After clearing the bank, or if you are struggling with it, you have a few options:
- Shoot the inline drops for bonus multipliers, which are worth your entire bonus
- Shoot the saucer behind the 8-ball to collect your un-multiplied bonus, which is also worth your entire bonus
- Spell D-E-L-U-X-E on the standup targets behind the seven drops, which usually resets the bank of drops (remember, bonus advances are better earlier on)
- Shoot the far left lane for increasing value, capping at 70,000 points
- Hit the “Bank Shot” target behind the inline drops, worth 50,000 points and possibly a special (an additional 50,000)
Gameplay Discussion & History
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